Only the one who bestirs himself can spiritually advance; he who uses extraneous aids for this, in the form of the ready-made opinions of others, only walks his path as if on crutches and leaves his own limbs underdeveloped.
True faith lies only in inner conviction. But conviction comes only through ruthless examining and thinking, not by accepting thoughts of others.
Whatever wearies the spirit is never right; Truth revitalizes and refreshes immediately.
The way to the Highest lies open to every human being. Proficiency in learning is not the gate to it. Neither did Jesus Christ choose His disciples among the learned Pharisees or the Scribes, but from simple and natural people.
That which is inseparably linked with the Godhood cannot be understood by a human brain, because its comprehension is closely bound to space and time; but the spiritual world is of an absolutely different, higher kind.
Shake off the fetters that hold you down and free yourselves at last; the man who remains inwardly bound will always be a slave, even if he were a king.
You bind yourselves with all that you aspire to learn from others; you remain a stranger to yourself, standing beside that which you learned, which can never come to life in you.
Each individual must experience the way to the Light himself; man can fully understand only that which he discovers inwardly and perceives in all its variations.
Many people who scoff at spiritual matter do so only out of indifference and indolence, just because it would require an effort to throw away learned and made up ideas and build up something new. Others would find it interferes with their customary mode of living and thus it becomes uncomfortable for them.
Only in giving can one receive. To give unselfishly, to help where help is needed, to have understanding for the suffering and the weaknesses of your fellowmen, is receiving in giving; it is the simple and right way to the Highest.